We're Here to Help You Through This

We support our mission using a collaborative model and the diverse experience of our professionals.


The collaborative process offers a format for both clients and their lawyers to voluntarily opt out of the traditional court-mandated process in order to resolve their differences in… Read More


Mediation is a proven and effective problem-solving process that helps people avoid the discomfort, high costs and risks of using our legal system to resolve disagreements. Read More


In a Cooperative divorce, the goal is the same as in collaborative divorce. The parties agree to set differences aside and reach a mutually agreeable settlement. However, they can… Read More


Do you want to get more educated on the California family law process and the California court system? Jane is passionate about education and is available for consultation. Read More

“During one of the most stressful and emotional moments of my life, I was in dire need of an attorney who knew family law, who would aggressively represent me and would fight/advocate to protect what was and remains to be in the my family’s best interest….. Jane Euler, Family Law Attorney, proved to be more than competent in all areas.”
A. H.

Manhattan Beach