Vi Ballard, MA, MFT # 35376
3424 W. Carson St., Suite 580
Torrance, CA 90503
The following goals will help you redirect your focus from your conflict with the other parent to the needs of the children. I encourage you to include these in your parenting plan and in your mind and heart throughout the divorce process.
- We will shield our children from conflict
- We will not use our children as messengers or confidants.
- We will keep child related issues completely separate from financial ones.
- We will not criticize each other in front of our children.
- We will nurture our children’s love for both of us.
- We will agree beforehand exactly what information will
be shared with the children.
- We will encourage our children to express their feelings, but we will make
the decisions.
- We will willingly share information about our children’s well being,
schoolwork, activities and schedules.
- We will make our best effort to have similar, consistent rules of conduct
our children.
- We will reassure our children that they will continue to have two parents
who love them, and the failure of our marriage is in no way a result of anything they have done or failed to do.
- We will begin resolving child related issues in a way that reflects the values stated above as soon as possible, because our children will suffer emotional damage as long as we do not work to implement these goals.